Wednesday 12 June 2013

Finally Some Warm Weather

The rain stop for a few hours today and the sun came out.  This was great for the peonies.
This is Sunny Girl.  This flower stayed as a bud for more than a week. Today it finally opened.  Along with many other flowers.
The sun brought out Coral Magic
Coral Charm

Top Brass



Prairie Moon

Felix Crousse
If it stays warm for a few days the entire beds will be in bloom at once.  The unknown pink from my Aunt's house is blooming too.
Along with the pink flower that came from the house that I was born in.

The plants that have been in the bed for two years now are looking very good.  There are still two plants that will not bloom again this year, but the plants are very healthy.  I can always hope that they will bloom next year. In the next few days there should be lots more that will open.  There are many empty spaces along the sides that will need plants. Most of the empty places are already ordered for fall delivery.
 Now that the plants are bigger, I do not like the one Coral Charm in the yellow bed.  I will need to move it to the side border that is all coral flowers and wait a year, than add another yellow in the yellow bed.  I think it will look much better.
Stop bye in the next couple of days, there should be pictures of several other varieties that are in bloom. 

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