The first peony to bloom has opened. It came to me by mistake. The person that shipped it to me, does not know what it is. It bloomed on May 22 this year. It is close to the ground and is very easy to grow. I moved it last year from the main garden to a smaller garden with Virginia Blue Bells growing near by. It is a great way to start the season. I saw on planet peony, a flower that looked the same. The person that posted the picture called it:
P. Officinalis Anemoniflora

When I looked up that name on the internet, the flowers did not look the same. The other one that looked close was Mollis. Whatever it is, it is the first peony to open in my garden. Week 2 has started and there is already 4 new flowers that opened. I will have many more over the next 6 weeks to share with you. I have ordered more peonies to extend the growing season and show off the amazing peonies that are available.
Thanks for stopping bye.
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