Friday 1 June 2012


Today is raining outside so I have time to share another peony from the yellow garden.  Bartzella opened yesterday.  Bartzella is an intersectional peony.  I have to share the story behind this plant and some of the disappointments in creating this new garden. 

I designed the garden after visiting Germany and my favourite garden in Hanover.  I love peonies and how easy they are to take care of.  I took the design of one of the gardens, made it smaller and put in easy to take care of plant.  I wanted to put flowers of similar colours together. I had eight pink flower varieties already, one white, one red and one yellow before I started.  I went shopping to increase the varieties and build my new garden.  Bartzella I bought from Spring Garden catalogue with delivery initially promised for April.  The delivery changed 3 times until finally in May in came.  I had seen Bartzella in the local garden centres for the same price and was tempted to buy again, but waited.  Mid May he came by mail dead!  I went immediately to buy a new one from the local centre and most of the plants were gone.  There was one left.  I bought that one and now it is blooming!  It is a lovely yellow making the Prairie Moon very pale in comparison.

All gardens have some success and some failures.  It is all part of the process.  Lets rejoice in the triumphs and learn from the failures.  As a good friend told me, I am a Gin and Tonic gardener.  Let the plants that want to be there strive and the ones that do not, do not force them.  Stop each day to smell the flowers, and let them bring you joy in this world.  Happy gardening.

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